• Almonds a Healthy Substitute for Weight Loss

    Updated: 2012-07-24 15:35:16
    When people go on a diet, not only do they need to cut down on the total amount of calories they consume daily, but they also have to be more selective with the type of calories they eat. This means […]

  • House Pets May Provide Health Benefits for Infants

    Updated: 2012-07-19 11:38:01
    Dogs have often been touted as a man’s best friend. However, it may be more accurate to say that it is an infant’s best friend. A new study done in Finland suggests that infants who grow up in a household […]

  • Vitamin D at High Doses May Reduce Risk of Bone Fracture

    Updated: 2012-07-13 23:55:38
    Health experts have long advised not to over rely on supplements. They should only be taken in conjunction with a balanced diet to ensure that you receive your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Seniors are often told by their […]

  • High Protein Diets not as Healthy as once Thought

    Updated: 2012-07-07 05:15:10
    Most people are familiar with the Atkins diet. It’s a diet where people up their intake of protein and fat while cutting down on carbohydrates. The diet became very popular during the early 2000s and many people swear by it […]

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